8/11 Day 20: Ohiopyle, PA to Cedar Creek Park Free Campground, Somewheresville, PA 40 miles (875 miles)
The four of us pose in front of a bend in the Youghagheny River, just off the rail trail.
We didn't have to be out of our cabin today 'til 10AM, so we decided to take full advantage and sleep up until 9:30. We ate light breakfast and hauled our bikes back down the torturous gravel trail we had come up the night before. It wasn't until 11 that we reached the rail trail, since we had taken our time getting everything together. The trail, we learned, stretches all the way from Pittsburgh to D.C. and was already teeming with short run tourists, families on day rides, joggers, dog-walkers, and anyone looking to get a quick walk or ride in during their day. Our late start didn't spur us on any faster, we kept a steady, easy pace until Connellsville where we had a pretty mediocre lunch at the Valley Dairy Diner, and had our bikes looked over at the local...
I just want to say that I have been following your blog, and plan to read devotedly through the end of your trip! I think what you all are doing is amazing, I plan to move out West in the very same fashion (Via bicycle) some day so your blog is a great and interesting resource. Keep posting and definitely keep up the good work! I've done a couple (shorter 500mile) tours and I know that what you are doing is far from easy. We are all routing for you!(In case you are wondering, I used to work with Mandi at Beacon Press :)